Pure Barre Is Coming to Town
Denton, we come bearing good news…Pure Barre is coming to town! Perfect timing with the holiday season to offer the gift of a beautifully, ballet-shaped bod to our community. We are so excited for all the ladies (or gents) who are going to benefit from this technique that focuses on form for all different kinds of bodies.

The exercises are low-impact and high intensity movements. Many of them are done at the barre or on the floor. Sometimes they incorporate light weights. The whole body workout is done in 45-55 minutes and can be modified for pregnancy or injuries. They have 3 types of classes: Classic, Empower (cardio class, low impact-larger movements), and Reform (focusing on strength & flexibility). Whether you are the Bride-to-be or the Mother of the Bride, Pure Barre is a workout for every person.
Pure Barre is not just about getting in excellent, physical shape. They are also creating inclusive spaces for women to empower each other. Everyone is welcome, from all backgrounds and ages. Women love how there is a real community feel to the studios. It’s effective and supportive.

The story of Pure Barre and its history is remarkable. The Barre workout can be traced back to a German-Jewish dancer who fled the Nazi regime. Lotte Berk combined yoga, ballet and rehabilitative movements to heal her own back injury. When she opened her studio in 1959, her students included famous actresses and singers, such as a Bond girl and Barbara Streisand.
In fact, the Barre workout was taught mostly to the stars until the movement began to explode in the early 2000s. The creator of Pure Barre, Carrie Rezabek Dorr, had a lot to do with bringing Barre to the mainstream. She started with one studio in Michigan and slowly began to franchise. She would move to the city where a new studio would open and teach her heart out until she felt it was ready for the torch to be passed on. There are now 100s of Pure Barre studios around the world with highly trained teachers. They set the bar high for fitness. The benefits to Barre are broad. Women can tone specific target areas, as well as strengthen core and pelvic floor muscles. It’s a technique that works and works quickly. It’s ideal for the ladies who want to fit into their wedding gowns fast.
And the news just gets better because they are offering a special of $99/month for unlimited classes for the first 3 months. Clients can cancel anytime after 3 months, no long term commitment.
Get on the barre, girls!
Check them out online…
Instagram: @purebarredenton
Facebook: Pure Barre (Denton) @DentonPB
Website: https://www.purebarre.com/location/denton-tx
